The 1st joint European Diver Users’ Conference took place successfully on the 10th/11th June 2021, with well over 300 Online attendees. It included a dedicated Healthcare stream with a strong Irish flavour (see details below).

It was a free event for Diver customers and anyone who is considering implementing a Business Intelligence solution.
The Keynote session and technical presentations allowed all Irish Diver users a good opportunity to see the latest Diver features and Roadmap for the future.
The Healthcare stream covered a wide range of topics from the US, Continental Europe and Ireland.
It was a power-packed agenda:
- US Health System Evergreen had the agility to deal with all the issues thrown at it, as one of the first impacted by COVID-19.
- Community monitoring of pre-school Children in the Netherlands is critical for the government’s duty of care.
- CEO praises ability of the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital to react to service demands.
- Endoscopy QA Programme in Ireland – real benefits in Quality Indicators achieved over several years.
- Irish CAMHS services empowered to deal with KPI reporting and analysis.
- Swedish monitoring of Orthopaedic care and Waiting Lists for Cancer Treatment.
All sessions will be available on-line until the 10th July. Anyone who has pre-registered can access the platform via the same link, The Diver Conference ( Anyone else who is interested in watching the recorded presentations, should first register via the following link:
Anyone interested in checking how Health Intelligence can Maximise your data assets, please check the following link: How Health Intelligence can maximise your data assets! – Manitex
Or contact