The HSE’s FIOS Client Information System covers the complete workflow of community mental health services. CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service) is a specialist service for people under the age of 18 with mental health difficulties.
FIOS has been used for many years by the HSE’s CAMHS service in the Dublin North region, with 140 administration, management and clinical users across their 8 community teams. The system is completely web based and the servers are securely centralised in the HSE’s data centre. The system could therefore easily accommodate the additional teams from Linn Dara CAMHS.
Previously Linn Dara has been using a legacy local database, Excel and paper documentation. With FIOS they now experience many advantages:
- secure central HSE standard SQL database
- system is widely accessible across the service via a standard browser and secure logon
- system is available to all staff via any PC
- easy for staff from different teams to cover each other due to staff shortages or absences.
- facilitated home working by staff during Covid-19
- KPI dashboard to monitor KPIs and process improvements
- service reports provide oversight for senior management team and line Managers
- caseload reports improve assistance and support for staff to manage client workload.
“Manitex support, scope of services and collaboration has helped our Service to move forward with FIOS”.

The system went live simultaneously for 40 users across the 8 clinics in Sept 2019. These were mainly administration and management users. The project implementation and training were paced to assist local staff to adjust to the changes in work practice.
Linn Dara are now planning the next phase which will bring the following benefits:
- bring clinical users on-line (e.g. psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists and speech & language therapists, etc.).
- the next version of FIOS will allow room booking for client appointments.
- move towards paperless medical records, with care plans, ICD coding and Honosca outcome measurements entered into the system.

FIOS allows for the collection of ID, demographics, episodic, referral, appointment & clinical information as part of a Mental Electronic Health Record (M-EHR) containing a complete history of all client information. The system can be securely accessed via a standard browser by a wide range of administrative, management & clinical users all with the appropriate levels of access to the client’s electronic record. Existing client referral and visit data from legacy storage (e.g. database, Excel, etc.) can be imported into FIOS prior to Go Live.

CAMHSDiver, is an Information Management System (IMS) for CAMHS that includes all structured data and text entered into FIOS for every client contact. Intuitive self-service dashboards are provided so that non-technical users can monitor performance against all the National KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators). The Diver management information tools then provide the user with the ability to analyse and report freely on the FIOS data, for a multitude of purposes e.g. quality control, investigating process improvements, statutory HSE data returns, statistics, reports, charts, export, ad hoc, etc.
For further information please contact marketing@manitex.ie